Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Surgical session in La Coruña

Yesterday I went to La Coruña, to help two urologists from the Juan Canalejo Hospital Complex with their first operations with the new HPS laser.

Specifically we went to the Hospital Abente y Lago, one of the hospitals in the complex. It is an old refurbished hospital, really beautiful, by the seaside.

We did three surgeries during the morning that were uneventful. They have learned the technique with ease... Soon I will come back to help them with six more cases to finish their mentoring before they can fly on their own.

This Hospital Complex is evaluating the technique in order to incorporate it to their services. They want to see how these patients fare after surgery. I think that there will be no residual doubt in their mind that this treatment is here to stay and to displace classic surgery.

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