Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Invitation to operate in Gran Canaria

Yesterday I flew early to Gran Canaria to help Dr. Juarez del Dago, urologist and good friend, to operate a patient with a huge prostate gland.

We went to Clinica San Roque and there we performed a Green Laser enucleation of the prostate in a man with a big gland, with more than 150 g of adenoma. The operation went very well and we could finish it in 90 minutes. After the operation we started a bladder irrigation and the bleeding was minimal.

He had a huge middle lobe and this interestingly does not complicate the operation at all. Thanks to the new Richard Wolf morcellator blades VMax we could take out all the tissue in less than 20 minutes. This technique is incredible and it allows us to do things that seemed impossible some time ago. We hope the patient can return home the morning after the operation without a catheter!

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