Sunday, December 16, 2012

New surgical session in Sofia

Again I travelled to Sofia for another surgical session. I departed on Sunday with the intention of operating the same day, but the plane broke down and I had to spend the whole day at the airport... finally I got a new flight and managed to reach sofia after a true horrible day at several airports...

The two following days we operated patients at Hill Clinic, some with very big prostates, with the help of the wonderful urologists at Hill, Dr. Kocev, Dr. Botzevski, and Dr. Georgiev. The combination of the "en bloc" enucleation technique and the new Vmax blades for the Piranha morcellator allows us to operate big glands in a reduced time.

This prostate weighed approximagely 170 grams and it only took 17 minutes to morcellate it. To me this represents a true step forward in enucleative surgery for the treatment of BPH.

The session went very well and then I returned to Madrid. Christmas holidays are approaching and I feel like resting a little!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Italian and Spanish visitors

Yesterday afternoon, the mythic 12-12-12, we received the visit of two italian urologists, Dr. Claudio Dadone and Dr. Oscar Fenice at Clínica CEMTRO in Madrid. The GreenLight laser is generating a great interest in Italy!

Also we were joined by Dr. Julio Fernández del Álamo, from the Hospital of Torrrejón in Madrid, who is very interested in learning the enucleation technique. Julio works with Dr. Luis Llanes, my partner at ICUA in Madrid, an expert in the endourological treatment of stones and head of department of this hospital.

We performed two surgeries, an anatomical vaporization and a GreenLEP (GreenLight Enucleation of the prostate), that went very well. Then we went for dinner to el Corral de la Morería, a Flamenco restaurant, we had a great time!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Surgeries in Modena

This time I went to Modena via Milán. I rented a car to drive to Modena and I slept there to start in the morning with a new surgical session with Dr. Giovanni Ferrari at Hesperia Hospital. In this occasion we were joined by Dr. Lorenci and Dr Malossini, from the Ospedale di Trento,  who came to see the operations.

We did four operations that went really well, one of them was relatively more difficult, a man with a huge prostate. We did a GreenLEP procedure (GreenLight Enucleation) and we extracted 160 grams of tissue with the Piranha Morcellator from Wolf. I then had to return driving to Milan and took a plane back to Madrid.

Dr. Ferrari told me the next day that all patients were feeling well!

Friday, December 07, 2012

Live GreenLEP in Mannheim, Germany

This time I was invited to participate at the congress "Innovations and Classics in Endourology and Imaging" that took place in Mannheim, Germany.

My role at the congress was to perform a GreenLight Enucleation of the prostate (GreenLEP) procedure, that was transmitted to the main auditorium at the Rosengarten Congress Center.

The patient they selected was very complex. Had a huge prostate and bladder stones, but everything went very well. The transmission time was reduced, but I could demonstrate the basis of the GreenLEP technique, specially useful in big glands.

It was a great honor to operate in the hospital where Dr. Peter Alken developed percutaneous renal surgery, I had a great time.