Friday, November 22, 2019

Participation at the ESU-ESUT course on lasers for BPH in Barcelona

This time I went to Barcelona to participate in this course organized by the European School of Urology and the European School of Uro-Technology (ESUT).

My role was to participate in a round table discussing clinical cases and then I went to the operating room at Fundació Puigvert to perform a live surgical case that was broadcasted to the main auditorium of the course.

I performed an En-bloc enucleation with early apical liberation with the Holmium laser with MOSES technology. I was a bit uncomfortable during the operation as I do not usually use the Kuntz applicator for my operations, but the case went very well. I could demonstrate an excellent preservation of the external sphincter and later I was informed that the postoperative course of the patient was excellent. We published this technique recently and I think it is going to improve the results of HoLEP procedures. There are many urologists now in Europe adopting this approach.

As always, the organization at Hospital Sant Pau and Fundació Puigvert was impeccable.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Live surgery at T & T in Endourology meeting in Torino, Italy

This time I was invited to the Technology and Training in Endourology meeting that took place in Torino, Italy, organized by Dr. Scoffone, from the Hospital Cottolengo in Torino.

I participated in various sessions, moderating some live cases, participating in a round table on how to manage complications of endoscopic enucleation of the prostate.

I also performed a live surgical demonstration that was broadcasted to the main auditorium, to show the new technique En bloc HoLEP with early apical release with MOSES technology, that was very welcomed. I presented a video as well of how this technique is specially useful in the redo cases, where the patient was submitted before to other endoscopic surgery.

A very well organized meeting, with all the relevant European experts surrounded by friendship and camaraderie. A great meeting!