Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Surgical session at Hopital Saint Joseph, París

After my visit to Hopital Tenon with Prof. Lukacs, I went to Hopital Saint Joseph, to visit Dr. Hervé Baumert. We had met years ago as he helped us to organize laparoscopic courses in Madrid.

It was a pleasure to see him again. He had prepared two patients to operate with the GreenLEP technique. Their prostates were not excessively big, about 80 g.

Both cases went very well, despite not having the optimal instruments to perform the operations.

It is important to use a cystoscope with a blunt tip and there must be some space between the telescope's tip and the cystoscope's tip to allow for direct visualization of the mechanical dissection as it is being performed.

Everything went very well, it was a pleasure to see Hervé again. A great French Urologist.

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