Friday, November 04, 2016

ESU Masterclass in Lasers in Urology, Fundación Puigvert, Barcelona

This time I went to Fundació Puigvert in Barcelona to participate in the Masterclass in Lasers organized by the European School of Urology.

My role was to give two talks and to perform a live surgical procedure to broadcast to the main auditorium.

During the course Dr. Liatsikos invited me to join the faculty of the ESUT (European School of Uro-Technology) and I accepted willingly.

In the meeting I said that to me it is unethical to continue to do open prostatectomy for BPH when there are techniques that are much less aggressive and equally effective and that despite TURP is the most common treatment for BPH it is no longer the best. ¡There were strong reactions in Twitter!

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