Sunday, February 19, 2012

Surgical weekend in Bulgaria

Again I travelled to Sofia, for another surgical weekend. I worked hard at the Hill Clinic and then returned to Madrid.

I am always happy to know about the patients operated in previous sessions, and the feedback is fantastic, the results of GreenLEP (GreenLight Enucleation) are very good.

In this visit the marketing department of the clinic took some photos and gave me some for the blog.

In this photo during an operation at Hill Clinic. It is a very fast and efficient surgical room, it is a pleasure to work there.

In this photo with some members of the Hill Clinic team, with Drs Kocev and Georgiev in my right hand side and Dr. Bocevsky (with a white gown in my left hand side). With a blue head cover, Petia, a wonderful nurse who is really good and helps me during the operations.

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