Monday, January 28, 2013

Surgeries in Bologna, Italy

This time I flew to Milano, where I slept, and then I woke up early to take a train to Bologna, to visit the Ospedale Santa Ursula Malpighi, chaired by Prof. Giuseppe Martorana. It is the second biggest hospital in Italy and I was impressed to know that the department of urology had 73 beds!

There they had prepared a surgical session with 5 patients, we did 4 vaporizations and one GreenLEP (GreenLight Enucleation of the prostate) in a record time. We worked in two operating rooms simultaneously, and as I was finishing one operation they were preparing the next patient, so I worked non stop all morning. Quite an experience, and all cases went really well.

This way the urology department could ascertain the versatility of the GreenLight Laser for the treatment of BPH, with the different variants, vaporization, vapo-enucleation and enucleation followed by morcellation.

Then I gave a brief talk to the residents of the department on this laser. Dr. Martorana invited me to participate in a congress with live surgery in his department later this year.

I went to have some delicious pasta and then I returned by train to Milano to take the flight to Madrid. A great experience!

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