Monday, November 25, 2013

New session in Sofia, Bulgaria, with Dr. Ruban Thanigasalam

This time I went to operate to the Hill Clinic and we welcomed Dr. Ruban Thanigasalam, urologist from Australia who was already visiting us in Madrid at Clinica CEMTRO. Ruban is finishing a two year rotation in a Paris Hospital and is about to return to Australia to work.

The objective was to witness enough GreenLEP (Green Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) operations to understand this technique's complexities and we did 9 cases, a very fruitful session. There is yet another urologist convinced of the advantages of GreenLEP for the treatment of BPH.

More and more urologists express their interest to join us in Sofia to see this technique. In principle we plan to do another session on December 13-15th and another one in January 30-31st.

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