Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New training workshop at ICUA - Clinica CEMTRO with international visitors

Today we received the visit at ICUA - Clínica CEMTRO of the Drs. Ahmed Elshal and Mahmoud Laimon, from Mansoura, Egipt, Dr. Michel Jabbour, from Beirut, Lebanon and my close friend Dr. Edward Collins, from San Francisco, USA.

I performed four operations and we also had time to chat on the physics of lasers and all technical aspects between cases. I could demonstrate all technical variants of the use of the GreenLight laser for the treatment of BPH, anatomic vaporization, vapo-enucleation, and the En Bloc enucleation technique.

The session went very well, and then we went out for dinner together. Dr. Collins is joining me to Bulgaria as he is very interested in the GreenLight Enucleation technique that I have developed over the last 5 years. There we will meet other urologists and friends.

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