Friday, March 23, 2012

Surgeries in Cuneo, Italy

After the surgical session in Rome, I flew to Torino and from there I was taken to Cuneo. There I had dinner with the urologists from the Ospedale de la Santa Croce and we enjoyed the cucina piamontesa in a restaurant just in front of the hospital.

The next day we had a busy session with four patients, accompanied by Dr. Arena and Dr. Dadone. They had already experience with the GreenLight HPS 120 watt laser and they were impressed by both the technological advances, with the 180 watt new laser, as well as by the advances  in surgical technique. They loved to see how it is possible to perform a full vaporization of the adenoma with the anatomic PVP technique. I also showed how it is possible to enucleate a median lobe in prostates with huge median lobes. We had a great time.

That same night I flew to Sofia, Bulgaria.

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