We did two cases that went really well. It is a complex technique and the learning curve is long, but with very good results.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Another surgical session at Hospital de Torrejón in Madrid
We did two cases that went really well. It is a complex technique and the learning curve is long, but with very good results.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
4:54 PM
Tags: Madrid
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Visitors from France
I performed three operations and I could show them he GreenLEP procedure (GreenLight Laser Enucleation of the Prostate), one anatomical vaporization and one vapo-enucleation (enucleation of the middle lobe). They enjoyed the experience:
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
7:23 AM
Tags: Visitors
Friday, May 24, 2013
New surgical session in Sofia, Bulgaria
I am always happy to hear from my bulgarian colleagues that the patients from the previous session are doing well after their operations.
I am very happy with the evolution of the GreenLEP (GreenLight Enucleation of the Prostate) technique. During the last three years I have introduced small variations, changes in the steps I followed to detach the adenomatous tissue from the surgical capsule, that allow us to perform it more safely.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
9:04 AM
Tags: Bulgaria
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Surgical session in Lovere, Italy
The session went very well, and Dr. Paganelli could do his first steps with GreenLight under my supervision. He had been working with the simulator the previous day, and I really think it is a wonderful tool for learning.
We had a nice session and enjoyed it, everything went very well.
Then I departed to Milano, to catch a flight to Bulgaria.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
8:40 AM
Tags: Italy
Friday, May 17, 2013
Minimally invasive surgery course in Borgosesia, Italy
The hospital is located between mountains, in a really wonderful place.
First I gave a 20 minute talk covering the different generations of GreenLight lasers and the advances in surgical technique, and I presented the anatomic vaporization, the vapo-enucleation and the GreenLEP (GreenLight enucleation of the prostate) procedure. Then we performed a simulator session that was used by all attendees at the course.
The simulator is a wonderful training tool, that reduces greatly the surgeon's learning curve and obviously benefits patients who have to be operated by a surgeon in training.
Then we went to dinner to a typical restaurant, to enjoy the "cucina piamontesa". I had no choice but to leave apart my recently started diet ;-)
The next day there were surgical sessions where the attendees could participate. I performed two interventions. A vapo-enucleation of a large prostate and a GreenLEP procedure in a patient who had two previous biopsies with inconclusive signs of prostate cancer. The GreenLEP procedure allows for the retrieval of the adenomatous tissue for histological analysis.
Both operations went pretty well, and as always I could see the surprise of my colleagues when they see the versatility of this laser and the beauty of these techniques. I had a lot of fun, enjoyed to see new techniques, as the single port radical prostatectomy performed by Dr. Vincenzo Ferrara, and I made new friends. Then I drove back to Malpensa to return to Madrid to rest for the weekend after three intense work days in Italy.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
10:59 PM
Tags: Italy
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Surgeries in Ponte San Pietro, Italy
In this occasion we operated three patients, two with relatively voluminous prostates and one with a smaller gland. Dr. Fenice had been training hard with the computerized simulator designed to teach this procedure and I was impressed to see the qualitative leap in his surgical skill in comparison with the first session we performed recently. Dr. Angelo Gritti, head of the department, was very impressed with the possibility to visualize the prostatic capsule in such a clean and clear way, despite the big size of the prostates.
When we finished the session, at lunchtime, I took a rented car and drove up north to Borgosesia. I had to participate in a training course in minimally invasive surgery. Unfortunately it was raining and I do not know why the roads in Italy are always so busy, but I enjoyed the changes in geography driving up north and the beauty of the fields and the mountains in the region.
The followind day Dr. Fenice contacted me very happy to tell me that all patients had passed water without a catheter and were leaving the hospital.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
10:38 PM
Tags: Italy
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Surgeries in Porto Recanati, Italy
There I met Dr. Enrico Caraceni, from Ospedale Generale di Zona a Civitanova Marche, Gabriele Mammana head of the department of urology of the Ospedale di Macerata and Doctor Emilio Sacco from Ospedale Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli di Roma, who came to witness the three operations of the day.
It was interesting that we operated a young patient and we performed an ejaculation preserving technique, a relatively new technique that is offering very good results, and allows to improve urinary symptoms respecting the ejaculatory function of the patient.
The session went very well and that same evening I flew to Milan, as I had to operate at the Hospital in Porto Recanati.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
10:20 PM
Tags: Italy
Thursday, May 09, 2013
New GreenLight Course with Dr. Ferrari in Modena, Italy
This time we enjoyed the visit of Dr. Mario Fiorello from Policlinico Ospedaliero di Camposampiero, Padova, Dr. Motjaba Rahmati, from Ospedale ULSS no. 4 at Schio, Vincenza, Dr. Stefano Trovarelli and Dr. Fabio Mattei from the Casa di Cura Rugani, at Siena and Dr. Paolo Guido Dell'Orto, from Policlinico di Milano.
The course went very well, despite having to treat very complex cases, we did vaporizations and enucleations and had a great time. All cases went very well.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
6:18 PM
Tags: Italy
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
Presentation of our experience at the American Urological Association Annual Congress in San Diego
This time I could not join the AUA Annual Meeting, but there our Australian colleagues in this study presented our multicentric experience with the GreenLight XPS laser for the treatment of patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
Also, at this congress, Prof. Alexander Bachmann presented the results of the important study "Goliath"that compares GreenLight XPS 180 watt laser vaporization of the prostate with conventional transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) for the treatment of BPH. Despite the TURP arm obtaining excellent results, probably the best ever published in a study, GreenLight vaporization showed to be equally efficacious with less postoperative complications, catheterisation time and hospitalization. It is a very rigorous study, methodologically sound, that finally demonstrates the superiority of GreenLight for BPH over conventional TURP.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
5:55 PM
Tags: Publications
Monday, May 06, 2013
Surgical session with Dr. Gaston in Madrid
We operated several patients with a diagnosis of prostate cancer in which we performed a laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, with the collaboration of Dr. Estefanía Romero, from our team, the specialist in laparoscopy at ICUA. Dr. Romero was trained in Bordeaux with Dr. Gaston and performs all laparoscopic procedures in our center.
It is always a pleasure to receive the visit of Dr. Gaston in our center. He is a great expert and now a friend. Keeping this link with him on a regular base allows our patients to access the best world expert in the field, without needing to travel to Bordeaux in France where he works. For us it is a true privilege to collaborate with him and to keep on learning from him.
Published by
Fernando Gómez Sancha
6:06 PM
Tags: Dr. Gaston